Тесты на тему "Англ яз | Профессиональный иностранный язык и культура делового общения - ОТЛИЧНО"
Тест по английскому языку для юристов. Оценка отлично
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Тестирование: Профессиональный иностранный язык и культура делового общения (юриспруденция)Вопрос 1
The pillar is now in ... .
Выберите один ответ:
a. the Metropolitan museum in New York
b. The Pergam museum in Berlin
c. the Louvre museum in Paris
d. the British Museum in London
Вопрос 2
Они подвергались влиянию его идей
Выберите один ответ:
a. They affected by his thinking
b. They were affecting by his thinking
c. They were affected on his thinking
d. They were affected by his thinking
Вопрос 3
Со времен Римской империи
Выберите один ответ:
a. for Roman times
b. since Roman times
c. from Roman times
d. at Roman times
Вопрос 4
The code was a triumphant attempt to create a legal system that treated all citizens as equal ... ... regard to their rank or previous privileges
Выберите один ответ:
a. with
b. without
c. with no
d. out
Вопрос 5
Cesare Lombroso asserted that crimes are committed by people ... are born with certain recognizable hereditary physical traits
Выберите один ответ:
a. who
b. what
c. whose
d. which
Вопрос 6
Criminal sentences ordinarily embrace four basic modes of punishment. In descending order of severity these are:
Выберите один ответ:
a. incarceration, community supervision, fine, and restitution.
b. restitution, incarceration, , fine, and community supervision
c. fine , incarceration, , restitution , and restitution.
d. restitution, community supervision, fine, and incarceration.
Вопрос 7
To be prone to criminal activity
Выберите один ответ:
a. быть склонным к преступной деятельности
b. быть вовлеченным в преступрую деятельность
c. быть не причастным к преступной деятельности
d. быть свидетелем преступной деятельности
Вопрос 8
Many of its principles ... still in force today.
Выберите один ответ:
a. there
b. is
c. are
d. -
Вопрос 9
Since the 18th century various scientific theories ... to explain crime
Выберите один ответ:
a. have been advancing
b. advanced
c. have been advanced
d. have advanced
Вопрос 10
false accuser переводится как:
Выберите один ответ:
a. мошенник
b. лживый свидетель
c. клеветник
d. обманщик
Вопрос 11
To accumulate можно перевести как:
Выберите один ответ:
a. накапливать
b. накопительный
c. расходовать
d. накопитель
Вопрос 12
If we ... all as good as we ought to be, laws ... still be necessary.
Выберите один ответ:
a. were/ would
b. are/would
c. are/will
d. was/will
Вопрос 13
German physician and anatomist Franz Joseph Gall tried to establish relationships between skull structure and criminal proclivities. ... theory, popular during the 19th century, is now discredited and has been abandoned
Выберите один ответ:
a. This
b. There
c. Those
d. These
Вопрос 14
punitive action
Выберите один ответ:
a. карательная акция
b. защитная акция
c. рекламная акция
d. благотворительная акция
Вопрос 15
He argued that criminals would be deterred from crime ... they knew, specifically, the suffering they would experience if caught
Выберите один ответ:
a. that
b. where
c. when
d. if
Вопрос 16
Napoleon Bonaparte, the Corsican soldier who became emperor of France after the French Revolution, established in 1800 five commissions ... refine and organize the diverse legal systems of France.
Выберите один ответ:
a. to
b. -
c. for
d. that
Вопрос 17
Capital and corporal punishment, widespread in the early 19th century, are ... invoked by contemporary society
Выберите один ответ:
a. always
b. seldom
c. almost
d. often
Вопрос 18
Members of this school argued that individuals are shaped by forces beyond their control and ... cannot be held fully responsible for their crimes
Выберите один ответ:
a. for that
b. as for this
c. as if
d. therefore
Вопрос 19
The old theological and moralistic theories encouraged punishment ... retribution by society for evil
Выберите один ответ:
a. by
b. from
c. so
d. as
Вопрос 20
No one ... why crime occurs
Выберите один ответ:
a. doesn't know
b. knows
c. know
d. is know
Вопрос 21
The neoclassical school, rejecting fixed punishments, proposed that ... vary with the particular circumstances of a crime, such as the age, intellectual level, and emotional state of the offender
Выберите один ответ:
a. judgements
b. orders
c. results
d. sentences
Вопрос 22
The contemporary ... attitude is that criminals are individual personalities and that their rehabilitation can be brought about only through individual treatment
Выберите один ответ:
a. scientific
b. scientific
c. sciences
d. science
Вопрос 23
The heart of a statesman must be ... his head.
Выберите один ответ:
a. in
b. at
c. from
d. on
Вопрос 24
crime rate
Выберите один ответ:
a. скорость преступления
b. уголовная скорость
c. преступный случай
d. уровень преступности
Вопрос 25
The multiple causation explanations seem ... than the earlier, simpler theories
Выберите один ответ:
a. credibler
b. the more credible
c. more credible
d. most credible
Вопрос 26
French political philosopher Montesquieu attempted to relate criminal ... to natural, or physical environment.
Выберите один ответ:
a. existence
b. data
c. behavior
d. cases
Вопрос 27
... due consideration of the background of the offence and especially of the plight of the three motherless youngsters, the judge placed Lewis on probation so that he could work, support and take care of the children
Выберите один ответ:
a. After
b. While
c. Before
d. During
Вопрос 28
теория многообразия факторов
Выберите один ответ:
a. multiple causation theories
b. theorу multiple causation
c. causation multiple theorу
d. multiple causation theorу
Вопрос 29
At the heart of the English system there are two principles of government - ... government and representative government
Выберите один ответ:
a. limit
b. limitative
c. limited
d. limiting
Вопрос 30
We are far better off with the ... laws which we have, than if we had none at all.
Выберите один ответ:
a. good
b. perfect
c. imperfect
d. present
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