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Компетентностный тест: 4 семестр. Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности
Ответы на 5 вопросов из 6. МФПУ Синергия, Московский открытый институт (МОИ)
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A friend to his friend: “You know, yesterday my teacher said me, that some companies may follow the 4Ps Strategy (or 4P Strategy). And … “Sorry, what does it mean 4Ps? I can suppose it might stand for product, price, place, and … I can’t imagine what the fourth point is!” Help him to find the fourth p…..
A woman to her friend: “My son finally got his dreamed work. Now, he works with promoting and generating new business at restaurants and he is a specialist in knowing the potential customer and cuisine.” “Is he a cook?”, – she asked. “No, he is a …. manager”. What manager does she mean?
An examiner asks a student: “This theory is a theory of how rational individuals should behave under risk and uncertainty. The theory suggests that decision-making means the adoption and application of rational choice for the management of a private, business, or governmental organization in an efficient manner. What is the theory?” Help the student and name the theory
Your secretary received a letter where the head office of the company demands you to create CSR business model that will help the company be socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the public. But the secretary doesn’t know the abbreviation of CSR. Help her and give the full answer
Two scientists are talking to each other and you hear a part of their conversation: “This phenomenon is defined as the ability to convey or share ideas and feelings effectively. Several experts agree that …. skills include conveying messages without misinterpretation or misleading others”. What phenomenon are they talking about?
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