Тесты на тему "СИНЕРГИЯ Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности (Интернет-маркетинг) Тест 100 баллов 2024 год"

СИНЕРГИЯ Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности (Интернет-маркетинг Темы 1-2 Итоговый и Компетентностный тесты)
МТИ МосТех МосАП МФПУ Синергия Тест оценка ОТЛИЧНО
2024 год

Ответы на 39 вопросов
Результат – 100 баллов
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1. (two words) Demonstrate your … ! Learn about the local culture and draw upon it to develop marketing campaigns. It’ll help avoid misunderstandings and offencE.
2. (two words) Measuring and comparing performance of a company, product, or service against similar entities in the same industry is called …
3. (two words) Proven methods or strategies that have demonstrated exceptional results in a particular industry are called …
4. (two words) Standards or reference points used as a comparison for measuring performance are called …
5. (two words) To succeed in an international market, make sure you … . This means you want to open up your mind to new ideas. This way, you’ll be able to work out inclusive campaigns
6. ... is the written document or blueprint for implementing and controlling an organization’s marketing activities related to specified marketing strategy
7. “I’m learning a lot about the people who use the products of the company. I’m doing face-to-face interviews with them.I’ve also developed some questionnaires, I’ve been sending them out on social”. Which service is the marketer providing?
8. … data is information collected by or for an organization to address that organization’s specific research question or needs
9. … is an ever-evolving field, and it's important to continuously learn and adapt.
10. According to hH. ru, … of marketers stated on their CVs they could speak English at a high level.
11. BCG stands for …
12. Before entering a foreign market, it’s essential to research its key indicators such as GDP, population trends, income levels, and market growth rates. This description is about …
13. Braniff Airlines got in trouble in 1987 when it promoted its new leather seats in Mexico with the same campaign it used in the United States: “Fly in leather.” While the Spanish translation, “Vuela en cuero,” was alright throughout much of Latin America, it had a different meaning in Mexico, where the expression translated as “fly nakeD. ” The promotion may have appealed to some flyers, but it was far from the message the airline intended to senD. What should the company have done before launching the campaign?
14. By studying social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter), …
15. During this month, you managed to acquire 200 new customers.
16. Imagine you are running a startup that sells organic beauty products onlinE. To promote your products and attract customers, you spend money on
17. In a specific month, you spent:
18. In BCG analysis, businesses and products that have a high market share but low growth potential are called …
19. In marketing, sampling …
20. In marketing, we can use the term … to describe both services and goods.
21. Let’s say you own a subscription-based streaming servicE. On average, customers stay subscribed to your service for 3 years. They pay $10 each montH. The cost to service a subscriber each month is $2. What is the customer lifetime value?
22. Low growth, low share businesses and products are called … .
23. Match the examples of words to the way they have been borroweD.
24. Match the research approaches to their descriptions:
25. Match the terms to their definitions:
26. Match the terms to their definitions:
27. Put the stages of benchmarking in the correct order:
28. Put the stages of marketing research in the correct order:
29. Put the stages of the product life cycle in the right order:
30. Put the steps for taking a company abroad in the right order:
31. Strategic planning is …
32. Strategic planning is …
33. Suppose you own an online bookstorE. You sent out an email campaign to 5000 of your subscribers, promoting a new collection of books. After the campaign, you noticed that 250 of those subscribers made a purchasE. What is the conversion rate?
34. The objective of the BCG analysis is …
35. The quality of not being physical is called …
36. The SWOT analysis stands for …
37. The terms … are related to benchmarking.
38. various marketing activities such as online ads, social media promotion, content marketing, and SEO.
39. What is the customer acquisition cost?
40. What makes services different from goods is that …
41. You will be able to … if you know a foreign languagE.
42. You’re a marketer for a Moscow-based business. You’ve been selected to attend a trade fair over in Hong Kong. It’s important for the company as they’re thinking of setting up a branch there soon. What else do you think you should do while you’ll be staying in Hong Kong?
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