Онлайн тесты на тему "Синергия | Онлайн тесты | Коммерческий язык (первый иностранный(английский) язык)"

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1. Which terms are to be inserted into the expression most frequently used acknowledging a complaint: «We have … your complaint to …and will inform you immediately we…what the matter is»?
? given, find
? passed on, find out
? referred, discover

2. Which term should be inserted into the expression of the discussion concerning the price: «We are surprised to hear that you consider our prices to be higher than those of our…?»
? enemies
? employees
? competitors

3. Which translation of the phrase of General Conditions of Delivery (Arbitration) «Решение арбитража является окончательным» in exact?
? the solution of the Arbitration is final
? the award of the Arbitration is final
? the decision of the Arbitration is final

4. What do films do if drawing up the requested offer takes several days?
? they send the customer a reply when they think is necessary
? they send the customer an excuse
? they send the customer a first reply as soon as possible

5. Изучите материал учебника со стр.34 по стр.41 и выполните следующий тест, выбрав один правильный ответ: What are lots of business transactions opened with?
? an enquiry
? an excuse
? an accusation

6. Does the buyer in some cases make out an order before the seller has confirmed the booking?
? No,he/she doesn’t
? Usually he/she does
? Yes, always

7. When discussing prices and terms is strong language in or out of place?
? it is out of place
? it is in place
? it depends

8. Which term is to be inserted into the expression most frequently used in the letters of complaint: «Please accept our…for this delay»?
? apologies
? excuse
? sorry

9. Which translation of the collocation «возместить нам наши расходы» most frequently used in banking correspondence is exact?
? replace our expenses
? repay ourselves
? reimburse ourselves

10. Which term is to be inserted into the expression used in banking correspondence: «We shall be grateful to receive your… that you will be making payment of…»?
? confirmation
? accept
? approval

11. Which term should be inserted into the phrase most commonly used in connection with placing orders: «Enclosed please find order №75 for… We shall be pleased to receive your…»?
? commitment
? acceptance
? compliment

12. Which term is to be inserted into the expression used in the letters of appointment of agency: «A commission of 5 percent will be paid for all… made through you»?
? acquisitions
? purchases
? sales

13. Which expression is used to apologize?
? We should appreciate it if you will…
? Again referring to…
? To our deep regret…

14. Which term should be inserted into the expression specifying the nature of the offer: «This offer is… for immediate acceptance…»?
? hard
? firm
? strong

15. Do all contracts consist of numbered clauses?
? No, they don’t
? Yes, they always do
? Yes, but not often

16. What is one the most difficult tasks that a correspondent can face with?
? to ignore a complaint
? to cope with a complaint
? to write a complaint

17. Which term should be inserted into the phrase most commonly used in connection with placing orders: «We… to order 250 bags of Coffee Extra at USD…»?
? beg
? demand
? plead

18. Which term is to be inserted into the expression of the discussion concerning the price: «Having carefully examined the matter, we have found… to reduce the prices to…»?
? media
? means
? platform

19. Which term should be inserted into the expression specifying the nature of the offer: «This offer is… for immediate acceptance…»?
? hard
? firm
? strong

20. Which translation of the expression most frequently used acknowledging a complaint «We have now taken the matter up with…» is correct?
? Мы решаем этот вопрос с…
? Мы взяли дело…
? Мы приняли материал у…

21. Which of the following characteristics of business enquiries is correct?
? they are mostly short and to the point
? they are mostly long and to the point
? they are never short but to the point

22. Which term should be inserted into the expression of the discussion concerning the price: «If you are in the… to quote us lower prices and improve your terms, we may revert to the matter again»?
? case
? position
? situation

23. Which form of writing the date is hardly ever used?
? September 1, 2016
? September 1st, 2016
? 01/09/16

24. Изучите материал учебника со стр. 42 по стр.52 и выполните следующий тест, выбрав один правильный ответ: Do many firms try to answer enquiries the very day they are received, giving them precedence over all other letters?
? Yes, they do
? No, they don’t
? Yes, but not often

25. Which term is to be inserted into the expression used in the letters of appointment of agency: «Two copies of the draft agency…. are also enclosed»?
? contract
? deal
? proposal

26. Which type of request do these words correspond to «and therefore we request you kindly to send the enclosed enquiry to him»?
? a request to buy office equipment
? a request to forward enquiry to supplier
? a request to reduce the price

27. Which expression is used to answer a polite business request?
? As requested in your letter of…
? We regret to inform you that…
? Please send us by return of post…

28. Which translation of the collocation «схема погашения долга» most frequently used in banking correspondence is exact?
? the repayment schedule
? the scheme of paying the debt
? the scheme of debt repaying

29. Which translation of the phrase «именуемое в дальнейшем Покупатель» is correct?
? hereinafter referred to as the Sellers
? named after the Seller
? given the name of the Seller

30. Which term is to be inserted into the expression most frequently used in the letters of complaint: «Please accept our…for this delay»?
? apologies
? excuse
? sorry
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