Онлайн тесты на тему "Иностранный язык | Компетентностный тест | 1 семестр | Синергия"
Компетентностный тест: Иностранный язык. 1 семестр.
Ответы на 9 вопросов из 10. МФПУ Синергия, Московский открытый институт (МОИ)
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Ответы на 9 вопросов из 10. МФПУ Синергия, Московский открытый институт (МОИ)
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Демо работы
Описание работы
В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (4) нужно добавить слово ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)… (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)… (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)… (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) … (to have ) no ideas. Then he 5)… (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)… (to leave), a burglar 7)… (to break) into his flat and 8)… (to read) his story. The visitor 9)… (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)… (not to think) much of it. I 11)… (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)… (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)… (to write) the rest of the story. He 14)… (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)… (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)… (go out) in the evening, he always 17)… (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (6) нужно добавить слово ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)… (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)… (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)… (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) … (to have ) no ideas. Then he 5)… (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)… (to leave), a burglar 7)… (to break) into his flat and 8)… (to read) his story. The visitor 9)… (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)… (not to think) much of it. I 11)… (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)… (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)… (to write) the rest of the story. He 14)… (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)… (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)… (go out) in the evening, he always 17)… (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (8) нужно добавить слово ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)… (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)… (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)… (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) … (to have ) no ideas. Then he 5)… (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)… (to leave), a burglar 7)… (to break) into his flat and 8)… (to read) his story. The visitor 9)… (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)… (not to think) much of it. I 11)… (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)… (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)… (to write) the rest of the story. He 14)… (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)… (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)… (go out) in the evening, he always 17)… (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (15) нужно добавить слово ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)… (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)… (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)… (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) … (to have ) no ideas. Then he 5)… (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)… (to leave), a burglar 7)… (to break) into his flat and 8)… (to read) his story. The visitor 9)… (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)… (not to think) much of it. I 11)… (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)… (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)… (to write) the rest of the story. He 14)… (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)… (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)… (go out) in the evening, he always 17)… (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (17) нужно добавить слово ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)… (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)… (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)… (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) … (to have ) no ideas. Then he 5)… (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)… (to leave), a burglar 7)… (to break) into his flat and 8)… (to read) his story. The visitor 9)… (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)… (not to think) much of it. I 11)… (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)… (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)… (to write) the rest of the story. He 14)… (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)… (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)… (go out) in the evening, he always 17)… (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
Заполните пропуски ниже. Simon was a brilliant student. His parents … worry about his marks.
Заполните пропуски ниже. Did you attend the lecture yesterday? No, I didn’t. I … take part in the conference.
Заполните пропуски ниже местоимениями, если это необходимо. Fred, be careful! Don’t hurt … with the hammer.
Заполните пропуски ниже местоимениями, если это необходимо. Relax … when you dance.
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