Онлайн тесты на тему "Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности | 5 семестр | МОИ, МТИ, Синергия"

Тестовое задание на тему: Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности. 5 семестр
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In 1936, Alan Turing invented a universal machine, which was later called …
The first recognized use of the word “computer” was from …
A general-purpose computing device called the analytical engine was developed in 1837 by …
… are made for program logic and for computer memory
Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “What will the computers of the future (look) … like?”
Match machines to their characteristics:
Match computers to their characteristics:
The description of a type of microcomputer is down below: “This type of microcomputer is just like a Mobile Device, but bigger than Smartphone and smaller then Notebook Computer. Just like Totally Smartphone feature like Touch screen display, power full Battery Backup and we can calling and receiving call and click pictures and anything”. Find out, what kind of microcomputer it is.
The information society is established in those countries – … – in which a post-industrial society was formed in the 60s and 70s
The network can serve as a means of … propaganda materials of criminal organizations, recipes for the manufacture of explosives and poisonous substances, weapons, narcotic and psychotropic drugs, and methods for breaking electronic and other ciphers
It … be noted that the problem of inequality in access to new information technologies is acute not only at the international level, but also at the micro level within each individual state
The largest number of internet users currently in …
According to the … criterion highlighted by W. Martin, the main characteristics of the information society are information technology, which is widely used in production, institutions, the education system and in everyday life
The “information economy” and “post-industrial society”, two concepts from that period, are still key parts of the information … concept
According to the research company comScore Networks in 2019, the number of Internet users worldwide amounted to 747 million people. The United States has the largest audience of Internet users – 153.4 million people, that is, almost every second American regularly goes online. In second place is China – in China today 86.8 million Internet users. Russia still occupies 13th place in terms of the number of people connected to the Network – 12.7 million people. However, Africa with 800 million people accounts for only 1 % of the total number of its users in the world, with 90 % of them living in South Africa. Identify the type of information society problem in the above case study.
The development of integrated circuits and storage devices has continued at an exponential rate; each subsequent halving of component size now takes …
The early transistors were not only larger than the smallest tubes, but they were also more …
The transistor’s most significant advantage over the best vacuum tubes was that it consumed far …
Charge carriers from both polarities are involved in the operation of … transistors
Bell Telephone Laboratories’ John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, and William Shockley devised the … transistor in 1948
Medium-scale integrated circuits have more than around 10 … on a chip but fewer than approximately 200 (MSI)
Match the abbreviations and transcripts:
Match the parts of one sentence:
Match the highlighted words with their meaning in the sentence:
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