Онлайн тесты на тему "МОИ | 2 семестр | Английский язык"

Тестовое задание на тему: 2 семестр. Английский язык
Тест набрал 90 баллов, был выполнен на зачет. Отчёт набранных баллов предоставляю в демо работах.
В купленном тесте будут вопросы и ответы которые размещены ниже.
Так же могу выполнять данную работу индивидуально. Делайте индивидуальный заказ.

Демо работы

Описание работы

… Ricardo drive to work?
Oscar … from home.
This office building … a meeting room.
And what … now?
Now I … for a taxi.
I … you later, OK?
Karina is … but she lives and works in London.
She started her job last year, … April.
The company … only four people and they all work in one office.
Next week, she’s moving to a new flat because her old one is … from the office.
Do you like football?
Is there a car park?
My suggestion is to go for a cocktail.
What day suits you?
What did you learn from your last job?
A. … my new camera.
B. Oh dear. I’m sorry to hear that.
A. … credit card details, please?
B. It’s a MasterCard. The number is …
A. … the target market?
B. It’s aimed at stylish young men who want to look good.
A. … training to do my job properly.
B. I’m sorry. It’s just not possible.
His grandfather … from his job a year ago.
Tomorrow at five he will … football.
She … her work already.
When I … it … yesterday.
Will you … the bank when you go out?
Last night I … home at 11. I … supper and then … to bed.
… you … many cities when you were in France.
The room looks very clean … you … it?
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