Онлайн тесты на тему "Профессиональный английский язык 1 (Самостоятельная работа) (РОСДИСТАНТ) / Ответы на задания 1 | 1-3 | 5"

Ответы на задания из курса РОСДИСТАНТ / Профессиональный английский язык 1 (Самостоятельная работа).
После покупки Вы получите файл, где будет 105 вопросов (Задания 1.1-3.5).
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Ниже список вопросов, которые представлены в файле.

Демо работы

Описание работы

Задание 1.1
Вопрос 1
_______ shareholders on Monday?
Выберите один ответ:

Is he meeting

Does he meet

He is meeting

He meets
Вопрос 2
Business _______ on the stock exchange until tomorrow at 9am.
Выберите один ответ:

isn't enjoying

aren't enjoying

doesn't enjoy

don't start
Вопрос 3
I _______ playing drums in my band on weekends.
Выберите один ответ:



am enjoying

Вопрос 4
I _______ in Togliatti.
Выберите один ответ:



is living

am living
Вопрос 5
Next week I _______ on business trip to Warsaw.
Выберите один ответ:

am flying

doesn't fly


isn't flying
Вопрос 6
She’s an accountant and _______ for a telecommunications company in the finance department.
Выберите один ответ:


are working

is working


Вопрос 7
The company _______ to a new accounting system
Выберите один ответ:

is currently changing

changes currently

currently changes

currently is changing
Вопрос 8
They usually _______ the invoices and payments.
Выберите один ответ:


is checking


are checking
Вопрос 9
This week we _______ a training course.
Выберите один ответ:

is attending



are attending

Вопрос 10
Young people _______ to work long hours nowadays.
Выберите один ответ:



are refusing

is refusing
Задание 1.2
Вопрос 1
Ответ he ever won any grants?
Вопрос 2
A new employee Ответ (to fill) in all forms two days ago.
Вопрос 3
He Ответ (to live) in this street all his life
Вопрос 4
He Ответ (to work) in the company for 2 years and then retired
Вопрос 5
I Ответ (to get) this qualification at University.
Вопрос 6
I Ответ (to know) my colleagues since 2018.
Вопрос 7
There have been many times when she ____ (to be) under pressure at work.
Вопрос 8
Unfortunately, when the manager of our department Ответ (to go) on a business trip last time, he couldn’t come to an agreement.
Вопрос 9
We Ответ (never, to have) a full-time job but we would love to.
Вопрос 10
When Ответ you graduate the University?
Задание 1.3
Вопрос 1
Соотнесите описание характера человека с прилагательными
He won’t let anything stand on his way.
She never wastes money.
She has practically no secrets.
He likes to make orders, and is not afraid of being authoritarian
He’ll tell you directly that you’re getting old.
She neither has deep knowledge nor is interested in anything serious.
He hates to lose.
‘I can do it without any help’.
He always gets what he wants.
She never smiles and is usually rude to people without any reason.
• shallow
• competitive
• aggressive
• ruthless
• independent
• strong-willed
• economical
• candid
• open
• bossy
Задание 1.4
Вопрос 1
Ознакомьтесь с основными разделами, которые нужно отразить в самопрезентации.
Соотнесите вопросы под номерами с разделами под буквами.

Please tell me about your educational background.
What is your phone number?
How would you describe yourself?
Please tell me about your interests outside of work.
Have you ever taken part in contests or competitions?
Do you have a driving license?
Do you have any other skills that might help you on this job?
Can you tell me about your past work history, please?
Could you tell how we can contact you?
When and where were you born?
• Hobbies
• Skills and languages
• Work experience
• Achievements
• Education
• Contact info
• Personal profile
Задание 1.5
Вопрос 1
Расставьте реплики диалога-собеседования при устройстве на работу в правильном порядке.
Good morning, my name is Anna Petrova; I know that your company is looking for a new secretary.

I am glad to hear that.


Thank you. I will leave you my resume, just in case. Goodbye.

What languages do you speak?

The people who recommend you, say that you have all the necessary qualities to work for our company.

I received a degree in law in 2007. And then I worked for a Russian company, which had commercial ties with European firms, particularly with British companies

Well, as soon as possible, we will consider your candidature and will let you know. In any case, I think that there should be no problems, and soon you can become our employee.

I speak conversational English, Italian and, of course, Russian

Good morning, make yourself comfortable, Ms. Petrova. First of all, I would like to ask you about your education?

Задание 2.1
Вопрос Инфо
Информационный текст
TASK Look at the photo. Practice thinking of several different words to identify specific people and objects. The woman in the sample photo can be referred to as woman, baker, she, or her, depending on context and grammar. Read each sentence below and fill in the blank with a correct noun or pronoun from the box.

Вопрос 1
The 1) ____ is standing in the kitchen.
Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 2
2) ____ is probably a baker.
Выберите один ответ:



Вопрос 3
The baker is going to put the 3) ____ on the rack.
Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 4
4) ____ is still hot.
Выберите один ответ:



Вопрос 5
The customer is waiting to buy something. She probably 5) _____ to the bakery every morning before she goes to work.
Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 6
She 6) _______ standing in front of the counter.
Выберите один ответ:



Вопрос 7
The woman is carrying a tray of fresh bread. 7) ____ is probably hot.
Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 8
8) _____ is a baker standing behind the counter.
Выберите один ответ:



Вопрос 9
She is 9) _____ a tray.
Выберите один ответ:




Вопрос 10
The customer is wearing a casual shirt. She is waiting 10)_______ some bread.
Выберите один ответ:


to bought

to buy

Задание 2.2
Вопрос Инфо
Информационный текст
TASK Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in parentheses. Use specific verb tenses and structures for basic descriptions: the simple present, present continuous, or There is/There are. Make sure your subjects and verbs agree.

Вопрос 1
This is an image of a busy street in an Asian country. As well as bicycles there Ответ (be) motor vehicles on this street, so it is obviously a high traffic area.
Вопрос 2
There Ответ (be) a few of the cycles with baskets attached.
Вопрос 3
This suggests that they Ответ (use) bicycles as their primary source of transportation.
Вопрос 4
From the architecture it appears to be a tourist or shopping district. There Ответ (be) two tall buildings in the distance, which is likely where the business district is located.
Вопрос 5
All the people Ответ (ride) in striate row.
Вопрос 6
ThereОтвет (be) no any confusion about direction of traffic flow.
Вопрос 7
The cyclists Ответ (travel) on both sides of the centre line.
Вопрос 8
They Ответ (go) in the same direction.
Вопрос 9
The cars, on the other hand, Ответ (go) two different ways.
Вопрос 10
They probably Ответ (ride) to work every day.
Задание 2.3
Вопрос Инфо
Информационный текст
Cohesion is how well the information in your description fits together in a clear and easy-to-understand manner. A cohesive response uses conjunctions, references, and other language tools to make a well-organized description.
Organize your response in a clear way. When you describe a picture, you should:
1. Give a summary of what you see.
2. Talk about where things are in the picture.
3. Add details.
4. Speculate about what’s in the picture.
5. Speculate about the context of the picture.

Look at the parts of the description. They are given in odd order. Mach them with the steps.
Вопрос 1
Look at the parts of the description. They are given in random order. Mach them with the steps.
The man is wearing a gray shirt.
Overall, everyone looks happy and the mood seems light.
The woman has neatly arranged hair.
The man looks happy.
It looks like a family preparing for a meal in the kitchen.

In the foreground, there is a table with the crockery.
In the foreground, I can see a flower pot.
This is a picture of a family gathering.

They are both standing near the table.
Few, most, several, both
• Personal feelings
• Place/ foreground (scenes closer to you)/ background
• Appearance (of people or objects)/ position
• Clothing
• Action
• Concrete descriptions of main characters
• Number
• A general description of the picture
Задание 2.4
Вопрос Инфо
Информационный текст
Use prepositions and adverbs to talk about location and how things move.

Where in the picture? At the top/bottom of the picture ...
In the middle of the picture ...
On the left/right of the picture ...
next to
in front of
on top of
Вопрос Инфо
Информационный текст
Look at the photo. Think about how you would describe it. Then listen to the sample response.

Вопрос 1
Now listen to the sample response again. Number the questions from 1-10 to put them in the same order as answers are mentioned in the sample response.
What is the woman in the center wearing?

How many people are in the picture?

What are these people doing?

Who might the people in the picture be?

What things do they have with them?

What is the woman in the center doing?

Where are the people?

What is the woman on the right doing?

What’s the weather like?

Who is sitting on the right?

Задание 2.5
Вопрос Инфо
Информационный текст
Keep your responses coherent and easy to understand. Use transitions and conjunctions.
Expressing Certainty /Uncertainty with Adjectives and Adverbs
Uncertain Somewhat Sure Very Sure
I ’m not positive. . .
It’s not likely (that) . . .
I ’m not sure, but. . .
I ’m doubtful about. . .
might be
could be possibly
most likely
may be It’s certain (that) . . .
It’s likely (that) . . .
must be
should be
TASK Study the phrases to express degree of certainty and the structure of the description. Fill in the gaps with the missed words.

Вопрос 1
This picture is aОтвет of a street scene in the daytime.
Оставшееся время -0:05
Вопрос 2
The scene may beОтвет in a major city in the US.
Вопрос 3
In the center there is a young manОтвет passing by the ferry terminal, which seems to be closed.
Вопрос 4
There are tables with chairs in the background, whichОтвет be a part of a street cafe.
Вопрос 5
With one hand he’s holding the leash of his dog. HeОтвет sneakers, a pair of jeans, a black jacket, a black and woolly hat, and he has a backpack on.
Вопрос 6
HeОтвет wearing headphones
Вопрос 7
He may beОтвет to music.
Вопрос 8
His postureОтвет that he may be in a hurry.
Вопрос 9
Ответ , there is a building but we can hardly read what is there, because the letters are too small.
Вопрос 10
All we canОтвет is the facade of the building.
Задание 3.1.
Вопрос Инфо
Информационный текст
Now let’s listen to the presentations openings.
Check understanding
Вопрос 1
Ответ , I want to cover different styles and methods;
Вопрос 2
and Ответ I would like to finish off by talking about some of the basics we need to have in place to deliver good quality, consistent communications across the company.
Вопрос 3
and Ответ , I’d like to suggest some improvements in our range of womenswear. At the end I’d be happy to answer any of your questions.”
Вопрос 4
First, I’d like to have a look at the performance of the company, the sales of the company over the last three years; then I’d like Ответ our market share in the womenswear market and look at our competitors;
Вопрос 5
I’d be very happy to invite you to Ответ questions at the end of the session and I’m sure there’ll be plenty of time for us to discuss some of the points that have been raised.”
Вопрос 6
My name is Tim Mason, I‘m a retail consultant, and many of you will have seen me shadowing you in your jobs and looking through the accounts and so on in the company over the last week. I’ve invited you here today to have a look Ответ .
Вопрос 7
Now Ответ explaining that I’d like to talk about the business case for better communication;
Вопрос 8
Opening 1
“Ответ , thank you very much for coming along here today. I hope my presentation isn’t going to take too long and that you will find it interesting.
Вопрос 9
Opening 2
“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you Ответ to come and join me for this presentation this afternoon.
Вопрос 10
The Ответ is to discuss how we can improve internal communications within our company.
Задание 3.2
Вопрос Инфо
Информационный текст
TASK This extract is from a presentation about company results. The presenter is talking about the four graphs below. Fill in the gaps using words from the box.

considerable improvement, figures, leveled, recover, reach, due, beginning, rising, stable, steadily, relation
Вопрос 1
But in the last few months the growth in sales has (5) Ответ off.
Вопрос 2
During April sales began to (3) Ответ , although they fell back again in May, probably as a result of seasonal factors.
Вопрос 3
Earlier this year our sales (1) Ответ were not looking good.
Вопрос 4
In (9) Ответ to the economic context in which we operate, the outlook remains uncertain.
Вопрос 5
In July and August there was a (4) Ответ .
Вопрос 6
Income from company investments is (8) Ответ at the moment, while our income from sales has, unfortunately, been rather flat over recent years.
Вопрос 7
Our market share remains (7) Ответ at about 12% in spite of very aggressive discounting by our main competitor.
Вопрос 8
Sales had fallen to 1100 units, and at the (2) Ответ of March we appointed a new Marketing Director.
Вопрос 9
This is largely (10) Ответ to changes in interest rates, which have been going up gradually over the last few months.
Вопрос 10
We probably won’t (6) Ответ our target of 1600 units by the end of the year.
Задание 3.3
Вопрос Инфо
Информационный текст
Check understanding
Check your understanding body of the presentation:
Вопрос 1
… at the end of the Ответ .
Вопрос 2
… sales Ответ 40 million, …
Вопрос 3
… the year Ответ last.
Вопрос 4
… we have 25% of the market Ответ , 10% down on last year.”
Вопрос 5
… with a Ответ …
Вопрос 6
… you can see that our sales Ответ 50 million …
Вопрос 7
However, this year sales have Ответ to an all time low of 30 million.
Вопрос 8
If you have a look at Ответ , …
Вопрос 9
Now let’s look at our market share. Ответ , …
Вопрос 10
Then Ответ year …
Задание 3.4
Вопрос Инфо
Информационный текст
TASK Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

Вопрос 1
Ответ I talked about the objectives of the Calypso project.
Вопрос 2
____ I described the problems, essentially the lack of resources and the time difficulties we had. And we also had Personnel problems.
Вопрос 3
Finally, said that during this time all competitors have Ответ new products.
Вопрос 4
I'd now like to say a few words in Ответ .
Вопрос 5
In conclusion, therefore, it is now Ответ important to lunch a new Calypso product during the current year.
Вопрос 6
Okey, I think this is the Ответ of the main part of my talk.
Вопрос 7
Thank you for Ответ .
Вопрос 8
That concludes what time you want to say, so can I ___ the main points?
Вопрос 9
What we have to Ответ is the importance of good research.
Вопрос 10
You know that to get good information we must Ответ enough resources, so I would like to ask for more people and more money. It's as simple as that. Money and people are the vital resources we need. That's all.
Задание 3.5
Вопрос Инфо
Информационный текст
TASK Listen to each track with the phrases of a presentation. Fill in missed words
Вопрос 1
Before I finish, let me Ответ again.
Вопрос 2
Can you hear me Ответ of the room?
Вопрос 3
Does Ответ ?
Вопрос 4
Have Ответ this next slide.
Вопрос 5
I’d Ответ one very important point.
Вопрос 6
I’d like to thank the organizers Ответ here today.
Вопрос 7
I’ve Ответ three parts.
Вопрос 8
If you Ответ , you will see how important it is to get the basics in place.
Вопрос 9
Please Ответ during my presentation.
Вопрос 10
Then last year Ответ to 40 million.

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