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Компетентностный тест: 2 семестр. Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности. Компетентностный тест
Ответы на 9 вопросов из 10. МФПУ Синергия, Московский открытый институт (МОИ)
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Образовательная автономная некоммерческая организация высшего образования

A chief to his secretary: Miss Anna, I want you to organize a special event for our staff. To do it you must hire a specialist who can oversee the design, set-up, and execution of the event that brings our people together. The specialist you'll hire must not only organize the meeting, but he has to work closely with the personnel to achieve the most from a given event. What specialist is the chief talking about?
A lecturer demonstrates to his students some principles of Economics. He pays attention to the science, which tries to find answers to the following question: What causes unemployment? What causes inflation? What creates or stimulates economic growth? One of the students thinks that the mentioned science examines economy-wide phenomena such as price levels, rate of economic growth, national income, gross domestic product (GDP), and so on. What branch of economics are they talking about?
A lecturer explains during the lesson: “Macroeconomics involves the study of aggregated indicators such as GDP, unemployment rates, and price indices for the purpose of understanding how the whole economy functions, as well as the relationships between such factors as national income, output, consumption, unemployment, inflation, savings, investment, international trade and international finance”. A student says: “Excuse me, I can’t catch the meaning of GDP, could you give the full term of the abbreviation”. Help the student to learn the GDP full name
You are late for the lesson and missed the title of the current topic. The lecture says: “This theory posits that the struggle between social classes - specifically between the bourgeoisie, or capitalists, and the proletariat, or workers - defines economic relations in a capitalist economy and will lead inevitably to a communist revolution.” What is the topic of the lesson? Name the theory
A friend to his friend: “You know, yesterday my teacher said me, that some companies may follow the 4Ps Strategy (or 4P Strategy). And … “Sorry, what does it mean 4Ps? I can suppose it might stand for product, price, place, and … I can’t imagine what the fourth point is!” Help him to find the fourth p…..
An examiner asks a student: “This theory is a theory of how rational individuals should behave under risk and uncertainty. The theory suggests that decision-making means the adoption and application of rational choice for the management of a private, business, or governmental organization in an efficient manner. What is the theory?” Help the student and name the theory
Your secretary received a letter where the head office of the company demands you to create CSR business model that will help the company be socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the public. But the secretary doesn’t know the abbreviation of CSR. Help her and give the full answer
You are going to meet Japanese businesspersons. Your CEO asks you to study Japanese business culture and to pay attention to nodding and gestures, postures and facial expressions, eye contact and body language. What type of communication should you pay attention to? (write one word)
Two scientists are talking to each other and you hear a part of their conversation: “This phenomenon is defined as the ability to convey or share ideas and feelings effectively. Several experts agree that …. skills include conveying messages without misinterpretation or misleading others”. What phenomenon are they talking about?
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