Онлайн тесты на тему "Синергия | 4 семестр | Английский язык"
Тестовое задание на тему: 4 семестр. Английский язык
Тест набрал 65 баллов, был выполнен на зачет. Отчёт набранных баллов предоставляю в демо работах.
В купленном тесте будут вопросы и ответы которые размещены ниже.
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Тест набрал 65 баллов, был выполнен на зачет. Отчёт набранных баллов предоставляю в демо работах.
В купленном тесте будут вопросы и ответы которые размещены ниже.
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Описание работы
The notes being written in German, we could not understand them.
Укажите, используется ли в предложении «независимый причастный оборот»:
All the members of the expedition having been examined, we started for the car waiting for us at the corner of the street.
К подчеркнутой грамматической конструкции подберите соответствующий русский перевод.
Having lived in Spain for two years, I am now accustomed to hot weather.
Определите функцию герундия в предложении:
They insisted on being informed of the arrival of the ship.
Укажите употреблены ли в предложении сложные герундиальные обороты:
What was the reason for his having left our town so suddenly?
Укажите употреблены ли в предложении сложные герундиальные обороты:
She cannot stand my telling her what to do.
К подчеркнутой грамматической конструкции подберите соответствующий русский перевод:
Having read this book he learned many words and expressions.
К подчеркнутой грамматической конструкции подберите соответствующий русский перевод:
He hurt his leg playing football.
К подчеркнутой грамматической конструкции подберите русский перевод:
To explain the problem he drew diagrams on the blackboard.
К подчеркнутой грамматической конструкции подберите русский перевод:
They showed us a list of books to be sold at the exhibition.
К подчеркнутой грамматической конструкции подберите русский перевод:
To understand the importance of this event you should know all the facts.
Выберите русское предложение, наиболее точно соответствующее по смыслу английскому предложению:
We saw them signing the paper.
Прочитайте предложенный текст:
Most well-run organizations attempt to develop and follow strategies, large-scale action plans for interacting with the environment in order to achieve long-term goals. A comprehensive statement of an organization’s strategies, along with its mission and goals, constitutes an organization’s strategic plan. To learn where such strategies originate and how they are put in action, we need to examine carefully an aspect of the planning function called strategic management. Strategic management is a process through which managers formulate and implement strategies geared to optimizing strategic goal achievement, given available environmental and internal conditions. This definition recognizes that strategic management is oriented toward reaching long-term goals, weighs important environmental elements, considers major internal characteristics of the organization, and involves developing specific strategies.
The strategic management process is made up of several major components. The process begins with identifying the organization’s mission and strategic goals. The process also includes analyzing the competitive situation, taking into consideration both the external environment and relevant organizational factors. The part of the strategic management process that includes identifying the mission and strategic goals, conducting competitive analysis, and developing specific strategies is often referred to as strategy formulation. In contrast, the part of the strategic management process that focuses on carrying out strategic plans and maintaining control over how those plans are carried out is known as strategy implementation. Strategy implementation is increasingly highlighted as a distinct part of the strategic management process because even the most brilliantly formulated strategies must be implemented effectively in order to reach strategic goals.
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A strategic plan is…
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