Рейтинговая работа на тему "Витте | Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности"
Рейтинговая работа была сдана в 2022 году на отлично. Тема: Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности. По дисциплине: Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности. Количество страниц: 12
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Колледж(Факультет среднего профессиональго образования)
Рейтинговая работа _______________________________________________
(домашняя творческая работа, расчетно-аналитическое задание, реферат, контрольная работа)
по дисциплине Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности
Задание/вариант № ____________
Тема* Multiracial Families
Выполнена обучающимся группы
(фамилия, имя, отчество)
Москва – 2022 г.
1. The multigenerational family: problems and values……………………..4
2. What problems are relevant for such families……………………………6
List of references…………………………………………………………10
In Western culture, a typical family usually consists of a couple with their biological children. But some couples can't have their own children for different reasons and they choose to build a family through adoptions. Infertility is the main reason why men and women want to adopt children. Some couples have compassion for poor parentless children and adopt them for humanitarian reasons. Some believe that it is more responsible to take care of indigent children than to give birth to their own children. Some have to resort to adoption because of health problems.
Adoption isn't just for childless people. Many families have biological children and choose to adopt as well. There are millions of children in the world in need of loving families and permanent homes.
Nowadays the growing number of men and women adopt children from other countries including Third World countries. In recent decades international adoptions have become increasingly popular. International adoption means adopting a child from a foreign country. Many people are eager to adopt children and since there is more demand than supply within the country for adoptions, they are looking overseas to adopt. Adopting children from foreign countries couples hope that their children's natural parents will not interfere in their life. Most adopted children come from Ethiopia, China, Russia, Guatemala, South Korea and other countries. For example, Americans have adopted more than 200,000 children from overseas in the past 15 years.
There are still many people who are skeptical about adoption. Some people are concerned about the genetic quality of adopted children and they believe that adoptees are predisposed to drug and alcohol problems as well as to behavior problems. Some adopted children have histories of maltreatment, physical and sexual abuse. Other people think that the absence of biological ties complicates parent-child relationships.
List of references
1. The Hello, Goodbye Window/ by Norton Juster 2019. - 192 c.
2. The Case for Loving: The Fight for Interracial Marriage, by Selina Alko 2016. - 713 c.
3. Black, White, Just Right!, by Marguerite W. Davol 2015. - 776 c.
4. Marisol McDonald Doesn't Match / Marisol McDonald no combina, by Monica Brown 2013. - 557 c.
5. Two Mrs. Gibsons, by Toyomi Igus 2017. - 105 c.
6. Destiny and Faith Go to Twincentric Academy (Destiny And Faith, #1), by Teddy O'Malley 2015. - 296 c.
7. All the World, by Liz Garton Scanlon 2013. - 256 c.
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