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1. Зачет Итоговое тестирование 3.11.23
Семинар в диалоговом режиме Glossary 13.10.23
2. Семинар в диалоговом режиме Glossary 13.10.23
3. Семинар в диалоговом режиме 2 Translation 20.10.23
4. Семинар в диалоговом режиме 3 Practice 27.10.23

aspirantura 2023_ test 3.11.23 (1)- задание
Post-graduate studies
Final test
A. Working with the text
1. Read the text and identify if the statements are true or false or not mentioned (20 points)
Get ready for a prolonged downturn that’s worse than 2000 or 2008, billionaire VC Doug Leone says
HELSINKI, Finland — American venture capitalist Doug Leone doesn’t think the tech wreck is going away anytime soon. The Sequoia Capital partner gave a gloomy outlook for the global economy, warning that today’s downturn was worse than recessions in 2000 and 2008.
“The situation today I think is more difficult and more challenging than either ’08, which was really a protected financial services crisis, or 2000, which was a protected technology crisis,” Leone said, speaking onstage at the Slush startup conference in Helsinki.
“Here, we have a global crisis. We have interest rates around the world increasing, consumers globally are starting to run out of money, we have an energy crisis, and then we have all the issues of geopolitical challenges.”
Tech leaders and investors have been forced to reckon with higher interest rates and deteriorating macroeconomic conditions. With central banks raising rates and reversing pandemic-era monetary easing, high-growth tech stocks have been on the decline. The Nasdaq Composite is down nearly 30% year-to-date, facing a sharper decline than that of the Dow Jones Industrial Average or S&P 500. That’s had a knock-on effect on privately-held companies, with the likes of Stripe and Klarna seeing their valuations drop. As a result, startup founders are warning their peers that it’s time to rein in costs and focus on fundamentals.
‘Best lessons you’re ever going to learn’
“Think of what happened in the last two or three years: whatever you did was rewarded by some investor because of the plethora of capital,” Leone said.
“You were rewarded no matter what — you made a crap decision, you got money; you made a good decision, you got money — which is a lousy way for you to learn your craft. All that is gone.”
“What you’re going to learn now is the best lessons you’re ever going to learn, even in our business,” he added.
Leone said he doesn’t expect tech company valuations to recover until at least 2024.
“My forecast is that we’re not going to get away with this very quickly,” Leone said. “If you turn back in the 70s, there was a malaise of 16 years. Even if you go back to 2000, a number of public companies didn’t recover for 10 years.”
He added, “I think we have to be ready for a prolonged time where we’re going to find … consumers running out of money, demand decreasing, tech companies’ budgets being cut.”
In the private markets, seed-stage companies will be less affected than later-stage firms, which are more sensitive to movements in the public markets, Leone said.
Mark if the statement is True, False, Not mentioned:
1. Doug Leone expects the financial situation to be a little better than in 2000 and 2008.
2. In the text crises 2000 and 2008 are characterised both as protected financial services crises.
3. The American venture capitalist had a lot of financial worries in 2000, when there was a protected technology crisis.
4. He shared his pessimistic ideas onstage at the Slush startup conference in Helsinki.
5. This global crisis will include four main issues mentioned by Dough Leone.
6. Tech leaders and investors have increased interest rates without any serious reason.
7. The Nasdaq Composite isn’t facing a sharp decline.
8. The text is based only on Dough Leone’s opinion.
9. Tech companies’ budgets will not see positive perspectives in the near future. 10. Some investors do not agree with Dough Leone.
2. Read the sentence and choose the most appropriate Russian translation (20 points)
1) With all the talk about globalization of the bond market, it’s important to note that the U.
S. is still the world’s major issuer of debt.
a) Все разговоры о влиянии глобализации на рынок облигаций не умаляют роли США как мирового эмитента долговых обязательств.
b) Важно отметить роль США как эмитента долговых облигаций в условиях влияния рынка облигаций на процессы глобализации.
c) Несмотря на все разговоры о глобализации рынка облигаций, важно отметить, что США по-прежнему являются крупнейшим эмитентом долговых обязательств в мире.
2) Two years ago the Bank of New England was America’s 15th biggest bank, with assets of $ 32 billion and a bright future as one of that go-go new breed, the superregionals.
a) Два года назад, когда Банк Новой Англии стал 15-м банком Америки по величине своих активов, которые составляли 32 миллиарда долларов, он показывал блестящее будущее по всем параметрам новых региональных банков.
b) Два года назад Банк Новой Англии был 15-м по величине банком Америки с активами в 32 миллиарда долларов и блестящим будущим в качестве одного из представителей этой новой породы развивающихся региональных банков.
c) Два года назад, Банк Новой Англии заработал 32 миллиарда долларов, став, таким образом, одним из 15-ти ярких представителей развивающихся
региональных банков.
3) The rising tide of American bank failures paused last year (168, against 206/ In 1989, both numbers not seen since the early 1930s) but many fear the respite will prove temporary.
a) Повышение количества банков-банкротов в прошлом году было меньше по сравнению с 1989, но многие банкиры уверены, что эта тенденция не продлится долго.
b) Нарастающая волна банкротств американских банков в прошлом году приостановилась (168 против 206 в 1989 г., оба показателя не наблюдались с начала 1930-х гг.), но многие опасаются, что передышка окажется
c) В прошлом году наблюдалась передышка банкротств американских банков, (168 против 206 в 1989 г., оба показателя не наблюдались с начала 1930-х гг.), при этом многие ожидают, что ситуация изменится уже в будущем году.
4) Often run by domineering individuals, firm pushed ahead with ambitions strategies needing lots of capital and experienced managers, both of which were in short supply.
a) Для реализации амбициозных целей фирме был необходим капитал и опытные менеджеры, но и первое и второе было в дефиците.
b) Фирмой управляли властные, амбициозные менеджеры, но капитала и опытных работников не было.
c) Фирма, часто управляемая властными людьми, продвигала амбициозные стратегии, требующие как большого капитала так и опытных менеджеров; оба фактора были в дефиците.
5) Turnover for the period was about US$ 12 million, with 90 % of that coming in the third quarter.
a) Оборот за этот период составил около 12 миллионов долларов США, причем 90 % этой суммы приходится на третий квартал.
b) Оборот составил 12 миллионов долларов США, из них в третьем квартале было потрачено 90%.
c) В третьем квартале оборот составил 12 миллионов долларов США, из которых 90% было отдано на благотворительность.
6) The Shanghai domestic currency market is still up 20 per cent since the start of the year.
a) Рынок внутренней валюты Шанхая вырос до 20 % в начале года
b) Национальная валюта Шанхая выросла на 20 % с начала года.
c) Внутренний валютный рынок Шанхая по прежнему показывает рост на 20
% с начала года.
7) The US economy suffered a serious loss of momentum in the first three months of this year, new figures revealed yesterday, as growth fell to 1.3 per cent, its lowest in four years.
a) Вчерашние данные показали серьезные потери в экономике США, динамика которой упала на 1,3%, что является самым низким показателем за последние четыре года.
b) Экономика США понесла серьезную потерю динамики в первые три месяца этого года, как показали вчера новые данные, поскольку темпы роста упали до 1,3%, самого низкого уровня за четыре года.
c) Динамика роста экономики США за первые четыре месяца замедлилась на 1,3% , что является абсолютным показателем за последние три года
8) Hammerson shares are trading at a discount of 19 per cent reflecting fears that the company could be hit by falling values in parts of the commercial property market.
a) Акции Hammerson в некоторых сегментах рынка коммерческой недвижимости торгуются с дисконтом в 19%, что вызывает определенные опасения.
b) Некоторые сегменты рынка коммерческой недвижимости можно приобрести со скидкой в 19%, что и сделала компания Hammerson.
c) Акции Hammerson торгуются с дисконтом в 19%, отражая опасения, что компания может пострадать от падения цен в некоторых сегментах рынка коммерческой недвижимости.
9) He is going to discuss ways his firm could be involved in establishing the new venture capital funds, according to senior officials.
a) По словам высокопоставленных чиновников, он собирается обсудить, как его фирма может участвовать в создании новых фондов венчурного капитала.
b) Он собирается обсудить, как его фирма может участвовать в создании новых фондов венчурного капитала с участием высокопоставленных чиновников.
c) Высокопоставленные чиновники хотят учредить фонды венчурного капитала для чего хотят пригласить его и все обсудить.
10) In the Elysee Palace's grand plan for the French energy sector, execution has often trailed ambition.
a) Елисейский дворец имел амбициозные планы на французский энергетический сектор, и воплощал все в жизнь.
b) В грандиозном плане Елисейского дворца для французского энергетического сектора исполнение часто отставало от амбиций.
c) Французский энергетический сектор в полной мере выполнил амбициозные планы Елисейского дворца.
B. Vocabulary
3. Match terms to their definitions (10 points)
1) interest rate
a) a calculation plan, usually but not always financial, for a defined period, often one year or a month
2) dividend
b) the state of owning things of value that can easily be exchanged for cash
3) balance sheet
c) financial report which shows all cash movements
4) сash flow
d) a fall in the value of money and a general increase in prices
5) bankruptcy
e) the amount a lender charges a borrower and is a percentage of the principal - the amount loaned
6) budget
f) the period during which interest on the loan may not be paid
7) inflation
g) a legal process through which people or other entities who cannot repay debts to creditors may seek relief from some or all of their debts
8) amortization
h) financial report which shows all assets, liabilities and equity
9) liquidity
i) the practice of paying back a debt by making small regular payments over a period of time
10) grace period
j) distribution of a company's earnings to its shareholders
4. Match English terms to their Russian translation (10 points)
1) security
a) рыночная капитализация
2) current ratio
b) износ
3) stock market
c) стоимость компании
4) enterprise value
d) депозитный счет денежного рынка
5) market capitalization
e) коэффициент текущей ликвидности
6) volatility
f) общие накладные расходы
7) depreciation
g) доходность
8) general expenses
h) ценная бумага
9) money market account
i) нестабильность
10) return
j) фондовый рынок
5. Match the words as synonyms (10 points)
1) affect
a) involve
2) attempt
b) influence
3) calculate
c) question
4) challenge
d) show
5) demonstrate
e) compute
6) identify
f) divide into groups
7) include
g) try
8) investigate
h) study
9) provide
i) distinguish
10) classify
j) give


Translation Text 1
Text 1
The gap between wage growth and inflation is narrowing. Here’s when workers may fully catch up
The gap between wage growth and inflation is closing.
But it may take time for workers to fully recover from the fastest jump in prices in 40 years.
“Hopefully, before too long, we’ll get to a point where pay completely makes up for the lost ground,” said Sarah Foster, economic analyst at Bankrate. “But it’s not quite there yet.”
The gap between wage growth and inflation is on pace to fully close in the fourth quarter of 2024, according to new Bankrate research.
The consumer price index, a government inflation measure, has risen 17.5% since the pandemic, while wage growth on average has only grown slightly more than that, according to Julia Pollak, chief economist at ZipRecruiter.
Workers should ideally get annual increases to keep up with inflation and to account for productivity growth, Pollak said. Before the pandemic, that worked out to 3.5% — with 2% for inflation and 1.5% for productivity.
From 2013 to 2019, wages grew faster than inflation, on average, she said. But since the pandemic, wages have only grown about as fast as inflation, on average.
“Workers have not seen their purchasing power expand each year,” Pollak said. “They’re just kind of treading water.”
Who is benefiting from higher pay
Yet workers are starting to get a chance to catch up.
The economy has been “surprisingly resilient” and the job market has stayed strong, Foster noted, even as interest rates have climbed and inflation has slowed.
In May, wages began rising faster than inflation for the first time in years, according to Bankrate.
Meanwhile, wages rose 4.4% in July compared to a year ago, while prices were up just 3.2% in the same period.
The trend is expected to continue when August inflation data is released in the coming week, according to Bankrate.
But there’s a “massive variation across industries” when it comes to wage gains, Pollak noted.
Industries where wages are rising at a quicker rate, according to Bankrate, include accommodation and food services, up 19.6% since January 2021; leisure and hospitality, up 18.9%; and retail, up 16%.
Other areas are lagging, with education workers seeing just an 8.6% pay increase since January 2021, while financials are up 10.2%; construction, 11%; and manufacturing, 11.7%.
The pace at which different sectors increased was largely based on labor demand and supply, and how much those matched up with each other, according to Foster.
“If you were working in an industry that was struggling to find enough workers to fill the demand there, you’re probably the one who is reaping the biggest benefits of higher pay,” Foster said.
Low-wage workers doing in-person jobs were particularly likely to see wage increases, Pollak noted.
‘Still quite a degree of job switching’
The “great resignation” or “great reshuffle,” where workers quit their jobs to find better opportunities, has mostly come to an end, according to Pollak.
But workers are still advocating for their rights when it comes to pay and other benefits.
“We’ve seen the summer of strikes, with more people absent from work for labor actions than in a decade,” Pollak said.
All workers, not just union members, are making their demands known, she noted. And workers are still leaving for other jobs that offer better pay.
“There’s still quite a degree of job switching taking place with people pursuing those increases,” Pollak said.

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