Онлайн тесты на тему "МОИ (МТИ) | 6 семестр | Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности"

Тестовое задание на тему: 6 семестр. Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности
Тест набрал 83 баллов, был выполнен на зачет. Отчёт набранных баллов предоставляю в демо работах.
В купленном тесте будут вопросы и ответы которые размещены ниже.
Так же могу выполнять данную работу индивидуально. Делайте индивидуальный заказ.

Демо работы

Описание работы

Образовательная автономная некоммерческая организация высшего образования

Look! It’s Francis! I … him for ages.
May I go out and play in the street? – You … . It’s dangerous to play in the street.
World War II is known … the most cruel in history.
I asked him where he…
I don’t allow … to take my calculator.
I … for my telephone book for over an hour.
After Adam … to the adults, he turned to me and said: ……
Thus, we can only … about how money first came into use.
Hundreds of house and … buildings have been destroyed by the tropical storm.
Have you ever been … England?
The woman pointed … a large building at the corner.
It was … a comfortable flat.
Yesterday was the … day in my life.
If you get off at the next stop you’ll get to the University … .
Don’t worry. … Nick or Peter knows his address.
All the letters … by 5 o’clock.
Children … go to bed early.
Which design is …?
How long … it take you to do this work.
If it … , we’ll go to the country.
What you (to buy) at the shop yesterday? – I (to buy) a book.
Paul insisted __________ visiting his parents
About half of economists are________.
To receive license______ by the law.
A ____ is a shot journey that you make to a place and back again.
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