Онлайн тесты на тему "Синергия | 3 семестр | Английский язык в профессиональной деятельности | "

Тестовое задание на тему: 3 семестр. Английский язык в профессиональной деятельности.
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The term “information…” refers to the social, economic, technological, and cultural changes that have occurred as a result of the rapid development and extensive use of information and communication technologies
Speaking about the development of the information society in Russia, I. N. Kurnosov writes that “the strategy for the formation of the information society in the transition period to a new system of property relations … take into account the special role and responsibility of the state”
The information society is established in those countries – … – in which a post-industrial society was formed in the 60s and 70s
The network can serve as a means of … propaganda materials of criminal organizations, recipes for the manufacture of explosives and poisonous substances, weapons, narcotic and psychotropic drugs, and methods for breaking electronic and other ciphers
One of the advantages of Russia is an advantageous geographical location between trade and information and telecommunication flows …
It … be noted that the problem of inequality in access to new information technologies is acute not only at the international level, but also at the micro level within each individual state
The term “developed post-industrial society” was introduced by …
The largest number of internet users currently in …
According to the … criterion highlighted by W. Martin, the main characteristics of the information society are information technology, which is widely used in production, institutions, the education system and in everyday life
Information … must be viewed from two perspectives: as an independent industry, with its science, engineering, and manufacturing capabilities and as a basis for transformation of almost all areas of human activity
A system of consumption and production that is based on intellectual capital is … economy
The stage of society’s development when the service sector generates more wealth than the manufacturing sector of the economy is called … society
A process of spreading the use of digital technology such as computers and the internet to do something is called …
Match the sentence with the time it was written:
The slide rule in its basic form uses … logarithmic scales to allow fast multiplication and division of numbers
Burroughs converted to electronic desk … and in the mid to late 1970s their products dropped from the market
In 1936, Alan Turing invented a universal machine, which was later called …
The explosion in world population and the rise of globalised trade demanded even faster and more flexible tools for processing …
A general-purpose computing device called the analytical engine was developed in 1837 by …
The … is a small-scale special-purpose electronic digital machine for the solution of systems of linear algebraic equations and the first electronic computer incorporating vacuum tubes for digital computation
… are made for program logic and for computer memory
Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Displays (attain) … VGA resolution by 1988, and 256-color screens were available by 1993”
Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Resolutions and colors of computers (progress) … quickly by 2022”
Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Years ago this service (can) … be used to run algorithms and experiments, and explore tutorials and simulations around what might be possible with quantum computing”
Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Around the same period Intel (create) … three microprocessor designs”
Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “The microchip which (be) … a key component in the development of the personal computer”
Match machines to their characteristics:
Arrange the computers in chronological order of their creation:
Arrange the computers in chronological order of their creation:
The description of a type of microcomputer is down below: “This type of microcomputer is just like a Mobile Device, but bigger than Smartphone and smaller then Notebook Computer. Just like Totally Smartphone feature like Touch screen display, power full Battery Backup and we can calling and receiving call and click pictures and anything”. Find out, what kind of microcomputer it is.
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