Онлайн тесты на тему "Синергия | 4 семестр | Теоретическая грамматика "
Тестовое задание на тему: 4 семестр. Теоретическая грамматика (пересдача)
Тест набрал баллов, был выполнен на зачет. Отчёт набранных баллов предоставляю в демо работах.
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Тест набрал баллов, был выполнен на зачет. Отчёт набранных баллов предоставляю в демо работах.
В купленном тесте будут вопросы и ответы которые размещены ниже.
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Описание работы
Language incorporates three constituent parts, each being inherent in it by virtue of its social nature. These parts are…
These two great men demonstrated the difference between lingual synchrony and diachrony, and defined language as a synchronic system of meaningful elements at any stage of its historical evolution.
There are four main types of notional syntagmas:
To the supra-segmental units belong:
The lowest level of lingual segments is …
The elementary meaningful part of the word is
Above the phrasemic level lies the level of sentences, called…
According to the form of existence the nouns may be …
The number category is realized through the opposition of two form-classes:
It covers the names of objects consisting of several parts (jeans), names of sciences (mathematics), names of diseases, games.
In modern linguistics the term «genitive case» is used instead of …
… introduced syntactic-semantic classification of cases.
The ability to denote a process developing in time is…
The grammatical categories of the English verb find their expression in…
According to the nature of predication (primary and secondary) all verbs fall into …
The realization of the category of aspect is closely connected with …
The so-called ‘non-progressive’ verbs are…
In the sentence, the adjective performs the functions of
Suffixes changing nouns to adjectives are:
All the adjectives can be divided into two large groups:
Non-gradable adjectives constitute three groups:
Intensifying adjectives consist of two groups:
The category of comparison is constituted by the opposition of three forms of the adjective:
… argues that the positive degree cannot be regarded as a degree of comparison as it does not convey the idea of comparison.
The way of forming degrees of comparison by the inflections is called…
The action or process of converting an adjective into a noun is …
The smallest lingual unit which is capable of performing a communication, containing some kind of information is …
A branch of grammar that studies sentence construction, its communicative-functional, structural and pragmatic classifications is …
A sentence is made up of which are its main parts:
According to the structure, subordinate word-groups are classified into:…
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