Рейтинговая работа на тему "Витте | Advantages and disadvantages of TV"

Готовая Рейтинговая работа: Advantages and disadvantages of TV
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Рейтинговая работа
по дисциплине Иностранный язык

Задание/вариант № ____________
Тема Advantages and disadvantages of TV
Выполнена обучающимся группы

Москва – 2023 г.

Introduction 3
1. Advantages of the TV 5
2. Disadvantages of TV 8
Conclusion 10
List of literature 11

The advantages and disadvantages of the TV are an urgent topic, since the TV is a widespread and popular means of entertainment and information. In modern society, we are constantly confronted with the TV and spend a significant amount of time in front of its screen. Therefore, it is important to be aware of both the positive and negative aspects of using this device.
The advantages of a TV include:
1. A wide range of content: The TV offers a huge number of TV channels, movies, series and other programs, which gives us the opportunity to enjoy a variety of entertainment and information. We can choose live programs or use the option of recording and viewing later.
2. Educational value: TV offers a wide selection of educational programs, documentaries, news, etc. This allows us to expand our knowledge in various fields, from nature and history to science and culture.
3. Public influence: TV is a powerful means of mass communication and can have a significant impact on public opinion and behavior. It can help raise awareness of social issues and promote cultural diversity.
However, some disadvantages of the TV should also be taken into account:
1. Passivity: A long time spent in front of the TV can lead to a passive lifestyle, sedentary work and lack of physical activity. This can negatively affect your health and general well-being.
2. Limited choice: Although the TV offers a wide range of programs, we are still limited by what is shown on the air or on the channels available to us. Limited choice can limit our ability to independently search for information and dive into a variety of topics.
3. Advertising and manipulation: TV programs are often accompanied by advertising products and mass manipulation. Advertising programs can influence our consumer habits and create unnecessary desires. Moreover, you can easily fall under the influence of negative and disinformation programs.
Thus, the discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the TV is relevant, because it helps us to realize the importance of reasonable and responsible use of this media tool. This helps us find a balance between entertainment, education and information, and also allows us to analyze and think critically when choosing content to watch.
TV is one of the most widespread and popular means of communication and entertainment in the modern world. It has become an integral part of our daily lives, playing an important role in informing, entertaining and educating. Currently, we have access to a huge number of TV channels and a variety of programs that offer us a huge selection of content to watch.
However, along with the advantages, there are also some disadvantages of using a TV. In this essay, we will look at both the positive and negative sides of the TV, identify its advantages and disadvantages, and analyze their impact on us and on our society.
The purpose of this paper is to gain a deeper understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of a TV in order to make a more informed choice of using this device in our daily lives. It is important to figure out how to optimize the time spent in front of the screen in order to achieve maximum benefit and minimize the negative impact.

List of literature
1.Abdilova, A. T. The impact of digitalization on the advertising market: trends and new trends / A. T. Abdilova // Digital technologies in the socio-economic development of Russia: the view of the young : a collection of articles and abstracts of the XVI National Scientific and practical conference of students, undergraduates and postgraduates with international participation, Chelyabinsk, February 18, 2020. – Chelyabinsk: Publishing House "Pero", 2020. – pp. 470-474.
2.Vardanyan, G. A. PR and advertising: interrelation and application in promotion / G. A. Vardanyan // Alley of Science. – 2020. – T. 1. – № 3(42). – Pp. 730-735.
3.Golovinova, A. S. The role of advertising in entrepreneurship / A. S. Golovinova, L. V. Leshchenko // Integration of sciences. – 2019. – № 1(24). – Pp. 110-112.
4.Daldinova, E. O. G. Functions and goals of advertising / E. O. G. Daldinova, D. Y. Zodbinova // Topical issues of the theory and practice of the development of scientific research : a collection of articles on the results of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Yekaterinburg, May 13, 2020. – Sterlitamak: Limited Liability Company "International Research Agency", 2020. – pp. 97-99.
5.Durovich, A. P. Advertising in tourism: a textbook / A. P. Durovich. – 5th ed., reprint. and additional – Moscow: INFRA-M, 2020. – 158 p.
6.Kadochnikova, S. S. Psychological functions of advertising / S. S. Kadochnikova // Modern high-tech innovative technologies : collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Chelyabinsk, February 05, 2019. – Chelyabinsk: Aeterna Limited Liability Company, 2019. – pp. 88-91.
7.Karmalova, E. Y. Theory and practice of advertising : A textbook for students of the direction "Advertising and public relations". Part II / E. Y. Karmalova. – Saint Petersburg : Saint Petersburg State University of Economics, 2019. – 30 p.
8.Karpova, E. G. Development of PR technologies, advertising, marketing communications on the modern Russian market / E. G. Karpova, E. S. Karpov // Science and Innovation — modern concepts : A collection of scientific articles based on the results of the International Scientific Forum, Moscow, April 05, 2019. – Moscow: Infiniti, 2019. – pp. 22-28.
9.Karpova, S. V. International advertising : Textbook and workshop / S. V. Karpova. – 3rd ed., trans. and add. – Moscow : Yurayt Publishing House, 2020. – 473 p.
10.Karpova, S. V. Advertising business : textbook and workshop for secondary vocational education / S. V. Karpova. – 2nd ed., reprint. and additional – Moscow : Yurayt Publishing House, 2021. – 431 p.

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