Рейтинговая работа на тему "Витте | Alaska’s Wildlife: on the Verge of Extinction"

Готовая Рейтинговая работа: Alaska’s Wildlife: on the Verge of Extinction
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Рейтинговая работа
по дисциплине Иностранный язык
Задание/вариант № ____________
Тема Alaska’s Wildlife: on the Verge of Extinction

Выполнена обучающимся группы
Учебная группа:

Москва – 2023 г.

Introduction 3
1. The history and uniqueness of Alaska's nature 4
2. Threats facing Alaska's Wildlife 7
3. Actions to preserve Alaska's wildlife 9
Conclusion 11
List of literature 12

In the modern world, under the influence of various factors, the natural corners of our planet face a real threat of extinction. One of these places is the wildlife of Alaska, which is on the verge of extinction.
Alaska, located in the extreme northwest of North America, is famous for its magnificent landscapes, unique flora and fauna. However, its wildlife is under threat due to climate change, industrial activity and unauthorized tourism. In this abstract, we will consider the current state of Alaska's wildlife, the factors influencing its disappearance, as well as possible solutions to preserve this unique corner of our planet.
Undoubtedly, Alaska is a real natural treasure, attracting many tourists from all over the world. However, along with the growth of tourist activity, there are also problems associated with the conservation and protection of the wildlife of the region.
One of the main threats to Alaska is climate change. Global temperature readings are rising, and Alaska has become one of the most affected regions. The melting of glaciers and snow leads to changes in ecosystems, disruption of biological cycles and a threat to the survival of many species of plants and animals.
In addition, industrial activities such as oil and gas extraction, the timber industry, and infrastructure construction also have a serious impact on Alaska's wildlife. Deforestation and pollution of water resources lead to the destruction of living environments and biological diversity of the region.
Unauthorized tourism also creates problems for Alaska wildlife. Uncontrolled visits to nature reserves and national parks, the abandonment of garbage and the impact on wild life can lead to a violation of its natural balances.
However, there are measures that can help preserve Alaska's wildlife. It is important to continue to conduct research and monitoring of the state of nature in order to accurately predict and prevent threats. It is also necessary to adopt laws and regulations aimed at protecting ecosystems and nature reserves.

List of literature
1. Bolkhovitinov N.N. "Russia opens America", Moscow, 2009.-223 p.
2. Borisenkov E.P., V.M. Pasetsky "The Millennial chronicle of extraordinary natural phenomena", Moscow, 2008.-423 p.
3. Bushuev S.K. "A.M. Gorchakov", M., 2008.-113 p.
4. Vasilevsky, R.S. "On Alaska and the Aleutian Islands", M., 2008.-166 p.
5.Kushnarev E.G. "In search of the Strait", L., 2008.-434 p.
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