Онлайн тесты на тему "Стилистика- ответы на тест Синергии"
Продаю 100% верные ответы на тест Синергии по предмету "Стилистика"- итоговый тест (пересдача). Продаю именно те ответы, которые указаны ниже. Если не можете справится с тестом сами- делайте индивидуальный заказ- пишите, помогу. Скриншот с набранными баллами прилагаю. Тест был выполнен в 2023 году на отлично.
Демо работы
Описание работы
The object of stylistics is…Expressive means are ...
The word-stock of any given language can be roughly divided into
Special literary words are constituted by
Archaisms are…
The definition "these are expletives and swear words which are of an abusive character, obscene word like "damn", "bloody" etc" is appropriate for
Vulgarisms are:
In the USA the dialectal varieties are…
In Great Britain four major dialects are…
Poetic and highly literary words belong to…layer
The actual situation of the communication has evolved … varieties of the language
The main function of the literary language is
At the lexical level stylistics studies
One of the branches of stylistics is termed
The sphere of application of the belles-letters style is
The sphere of application of the publicist style is
The function of the scientific prose style is
The aim of the style of official documents is
Brief news items (newspaper style) are characterized by
The imagery of emotive prose is
The belles-lettres style rests on
The style of official documents is characterized by the use of
Stanza rhyme is an example of
“Her family is one aunt about a thousand years old (Sc.F.)” is an example of
“The girls were dressed to kill (J.Br.)" is an example of
“I do not consult physicians, for I hope to die without their help. (W.T.)” is an example of
“She was crazy about you. In the beginning. (R. W.) ” is an example of
“Mr. Stiggins… took his hat and his leave” is the example of
“You have nobody to blame but yourself. The saddest words of tongue or pen.” is an example of
“Of course it is important. Incredibly, urgently, desperately important (D.Sayers).” is an example of
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